Parents in School

Borras Park Community Primary School welcomes parents to visit on many occasions throughout the year and recognises the valuable contribution they make to the school. 

From time to time you may have an opportunity to share your skills and interests with us, when teachers ask for 'volunteers' to assist with cooking, needlecraft, groundswork, hearing readers, attending educational visits etc.  Be assured of a warm welcome. 

We are always looking for volunteers to help out in a wide range of activities such as helping improving the children's reading, but if you would like to do any volunteer work for the school, and particularly if you would like to accompany children on any school trip. Please fill in the form below and return it to reception.

Download Parent Volunteer form here

Volunteers Form

If you are interested in fundraising activities, we have a very active Parent Teacher Association and if you are interested in Curricular/Administrative matters, you may consider nomination as a Parent Governor.

As parents, you are welcome to visit the school at any time with queries about school activities. We operate an open door policy at all times.

Be Kind,Be Respectful,Be Your Best

Contact us at Borras Park Community School

Borras Park Community School
Borras Park Road
LL12 7TH