
Admission Policy

The school follows the current Wrexham County Borough Council Policy on admissions. Wrexham County Borough Council distributes their 'Parents and Carers' Guide to Education services in Wrexham' annually alongside admission forms to be completed by Parents or carers. On applying for a Nursery or Reception place parents can state their preferred school but allocation of a place will be dependent on the number of places available at that school. The County Borough Council makes the decision as to which school your child will be offered a place in.

For further information click on the link below:

Schools guide

We welcome visits from prospective parents. The Headteacher or member of the senior management team would be happy to show you around our school and discuss your child's educational needs. If you would like to book a visit please contact the school.

Charging and Remissions Policy

In accordance with the Educational Reform Act 1988, no charges are made for activities taking place in school hours which involve whole classes and are over and above the usual work to follow the Foundation Phase Curriculum. However, we do occasionally ask Parents for voluntary contributions towards activities that would be too expensive to be funded out of the schools budget, such as educational visits.

These activities have great educational value but can only take place if sufficient contributions are received to cover the costs. No child will be excluded because of the inability to pay, however, if not enough contributions are received the school and Governors may decide to cancel the activity. The cost of breakages, lost or destroyed school property must be paid for.

Complaints Policy

We request that if you are concerned about your child's education or happiness you should follow the summarised steps below:

First discuss your concern with the classteacher

If you are still not satisfied you should then make an appointment to see the Headteacher.

In the rare event that this does not provide a solution, you may wish to write to the Chair of Governors requesting a formal hearing. In this instance you will receive a letter of acknowledgement and the complaints committee will meet to investigate the complaint.

A full copy of the schools complaints policy is available at Parents request.

Strategic Equality Plan

The Equality Act 2010 brings together and replaces the previous anti-discriminatory laws, such as the Disability Discrimination, Race Relations and Equal Pay Acts with a single act.

Further information can be found in the following Fact File produced by Governors Wales:


The Strategic Equality Plan has been developed so that the School can set out how it aims to meet it’s commitment to equality and how it will meet it’s legal obligations contained with the Equality Act 2010 and the Equality Act 2010 (Statutory Duties) (Wales) Regulations 2011.

To see the Strategic Equality Plan , click below.




Files to Download

Be Kind,Be Respectful,Be Your Best

Contact us at Borras Park Community School

Borras Park Community School
Borras Park Road
LL12 7TH