Holiday Club

“Children are not a distraction from more important work, they are the most important work.” -C.S. Lewis

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At Borras Park Primary school our Holiday club is open all year round apart from bank holidays and for two weeks at Christmas.

Holiday sessions are available between 8am to 1pm and 1pm to 6 pm for children between the ages of 3 - 12.

If your child is staying all day they will need to bring a packed lunch with them.

You can fit your holiday sessions around your work commitments and know that your children are happy playing with a mix of age ranges, and engaging in a range of age appropriate activities.

During the holidays we invite a number of outside agencies to deliver a range of workshops, these vary and are usually advertised in advance so you know when to book.

The activities planned benefit our young people by developing their self-confidence and social skills, providing respite care for families, and providing opportunities for parents to work knowing their children are in a safe environment.

These are open to the wider community when there is sufficient space.

Please check with the Management of Full Day Care if you wish to access this facility and your children don't normally attend the setting in term time.

Please make sure you book your child for the sessions you need in order to ensure that a place is available.

Holiday Club Prices are listed on our Facebook page.








Be Kind,Be Respectful,Be Your Best

Contact us at Borras Park Community School

Borras Park Community School
Borras Park Road
LL12 7TH